Immigrant Families on the Mexican side of our Southern Border

Several days ago I posted about my immigration/activist trip to Tucson and areas south, including Mexico, with Witness at the Border and other NGOs. Dora Rodriguez is a local NGO leader ( and someone whom I’m honored to call, Sister. Dora shared this news today:

“It is horrible, horrible my sister… I just received very horrible news from the volunteer in Seric, Sonora, who has been providing humanitarian aid to asylum seekers stuck there. It is reported that cartels got into a gun battle this morning between Sasabe and Nogales and many asylum seekers are dead. Border Patrol knows what’s going on. Mexican authorities are right now investigating the incident. He will send a report later of how many deaths are asylum seekers.”

The photos are from my January visit to a migrant shelter to the same area Dora references, between Sasabe and Nogales. I brought art supplies so the children and I could play together. My Spanish isn’t great, which the kids quickly learned, so they openly talked about me as we created art together. They were referring to me as, “Abuelita” or “Dear Little Grandmother.” So I signed my artwork as Abuelita Deirdre.

Please ask me to come talk with you and your immigration-concerned friends, in person or virtually. What’s happening requires in-person knowledge and experience like mine to discern facts from right-wing disinformation to convince voters into voting for a strong man who, in exchange for surrendering our civil rights will “save us” from these sweet, happy children and their families.

Please give to Dora’s org to help these asylum seekers with humanitarian aid:

Deirdre Roney